Total Value Locked$214,614
Ethereum | $191,884 |
Polygon | $20,187 |
Optimism | $1,205 |
Arbitrum | $880.38 |
BSC | $457.62 |
Protocol Information
Quadrat is an active liquidity management protocol for Uniswap v3 with Strategy Vaults provided by 0xPlasma Labs. You can provide liquidity in highly capital-efficient Quadrat vaults to earn the highest fees and APY from Uniswap v3 Pools. Asset Managers can create their own strategies for Uniswap v3 pool to manage their capital or attract external capital to strategies.
Category:Liquidity manager
Development Activity
(updated at 13/09/24)
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Last commit: a few seconds ago (2024-09-13)