Sushi BentoBox (SUSHI)
Total Value Locked$7.13m
Arbitrum | $4.81m |
Fantom | $1.3m |
Ethereum | $509,544 |
Polygon | $475,995 |
Avalanche | $19,530 |
Optimism | $5,129 |
Gnosis | $3,124 |
Moonbeam | $0.17 |
Moonriver | $0 |
Celo | $0 |
Protocol Information
BentoBox is a token vault that generates yield for the capital deposited into it, protocols can be built on top such as Kashi, Trident, Limit Order and Furo.
Development Activity
(updated at 09/11/24)
Weekly commits:
Monthly commits:
Weekly developers:
Monthly developers:
Last commit: a few seconds ago (2024-11-09)